Nialli legal


Nialli Workspace

Privacy Policy

Last updated: November 9, 2021

Nialli Inc. (together with its affiliated companies, “Nialli” or “we” or sometimes “us”) values the privacy of your personal information and the content that you store in the Nialli Workspace Service. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of the information that you may provide to us when using the Nialli Workspace Service. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using our service or submitting information to Nialli. This Privacy Policy applies to you if you are using our software, including our mobile applications, or if you’re visiting the Nialli Workspace websites at and all linked pages owned and operated by Nialli as part of the Nialli Workspace service (together, the “Nialli Workspace Service”). The Privacy Policy related to the use of our corporate website and the linked pages owned and operated by Nialli can be found here

Where access to the Nialli Workspace Service is provided under a contract with an organization (for example, your employer), that organization controls information processed by the Nialli Workspace Service, including deletion of Material. If you have questions about Nialli’s policies and practices, please direct them to Nialli at the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy.

Incorporation into Terms of Service

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms an integral part of the Nialli Workspace Software License and General Terms of Use (the “Terms of Service”) (see Capitalized terms that appear in this Privacy Policy may be defined in the Terms of Service and if so, such terms have the respective meanings given to them in the Terms of Service when used in this Privacy Policy. In addition to reviewing this Privacy Policy, you should also read the Terms of Service. Your use of the Nialli Workspace Service constitutes your agreement to the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. Whenever you access or use the Nialli Workspace Service or submit information via the website or through our mobile applications, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy Will Change Over Time

Our Privacy Policy will change over time as we continue to develop the Nialli Workspace Service to take advantage of technologies to improve the services we provide. We may use the information you provide for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in this Privacy Policy. Consequently, we encourage you to refer to this Privacy Policy from time to time to stay abreast of our most current privacy policy practices. The current policy can be viewed at

We will attempt to notify registered users of any material changes in the Privacy Policy by posting a notice on our website home page and Nialli Workspace log-in page. It is your responsibility to check for updates to the Privacy Policy, and any such update shall be effective even if you do not receive notice of such update. If you do not consent to this or any updated Privacy Policy, you can discontinue use of the Nialli Workspace Service. Your continued access and use of the Nialli Workspace Service will constitute your acceptance of this Policy and of any changes or revisions to our Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect and Use

If you register for an account or use the Nialli Workspace Service

We collect
Why we collect it
Your name and email address
  • To create and support your Nialli Workspace Service account
  • To administer the account and for billing purposes
  • To authenticate and authorize Users of the Nialli Workspace Service
  • To communicate with you
  • To enable other Users to collaborate with you
Actions you perform in your account
  • To administer the Nialli Workspace Service and improve the features and usability of it
  • To address bugs, errors, and faults
Geographic area
  • To administer the Nialli Workspace Service and improve the features and usability of it
  • To address bugs, errors, and faults
Device identifiers
  • To administer the Nialli Workspace Service and improve the features and usability of it
  • To address bugs, errors, and faults
Log information
  • To administer the Nialli Workspace Service and improve the features and usability of it
  • To address bugs, errors, and faults

We use cookies, beacons, and similar technologies on our Nialli Workspace Service to help us provide our Nialli Workspace Service to you. We remember the email address of the last person to log on to the Nialli Workspace Wall software if the User has checked the “keep me logged in” option. Similarly, the software stores an access token locally in the User’s web browser if the User of a Nialli Workspace App or the Nialli Workspace web client has checked the “keep me logged in” option.

From time to time, we may contact you with information about the Nialli Workspace Service, product announcements, changes to the Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy, and software updates.

The Nialli Workspace Service for Business is not intended to be used by persons under 18 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children without parental consent. If we learn that we have inadvertently obtained information in violation of applicable Laws prohibiting collection of information from children without such consent, we will promptly delete it.

Information Storage and Security

Nialli is committed to protecting the security of your information and takes reasonable precautions to protect it. We use industry standard encryption to protect your data in transit. This is commonly referred to as transport layer security (“TLS”) technology. However, internet data transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure and, consequently, we cannot ensure the security of data during its transmission from you to us. Accordingly, by using the Nialli Workspace Service you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk.

The Information that you provide to us or transmit to us using the Nialli Workspace Service is transferred to and stored, encrypted, at a data center in the United States, or the Netherlands, as applicable based on the location of the Account-Holder except where a written agreement between the Account-Holder and Nialli expressly requires such data to be stored and processed in a particular data center. Accordingly, by using the Nialli Workspace Service you consent to your information and Material being transmitted to, hosted, and accessed in the United States or the Netherlands, or elsewhere as described above.

Once we receive your data, it is protected using a combination of administrative, physical, and logic security safeguards including encryption. If Nialli learns of a security system breach, we may attempt to notify you and provide information on protective steps, if available, through the email address that you have provided to us or by posting a notice on our website and/or other communication platforms.

In order to authenticate and authorize Users of the Nialli Workspace Service, Usernames and email addresses are stored in a data center in the United States replicated in the other data centers.

An Account Administrator can delete your Material at any time, and you can stop using the Nialli Workspace Service at any time. If you deactivate your account but do not delete your Material first, the Material in your account may continue to be stored in our Service or it may be deleted. If you wish any of your Material to be deleted, please ensure it is deleted before you deactivate your account. If Material is deleted from the Nialli Workspace Service, it will no longer be accessible to you or others with whom you collaborate, but residual copies of your deleted Material may continue to exist on the Nialli Workspace Service back-up and archiving systems.

An Account Administrator may also contact us and request the deletion of all Personal Information related to a User from our system. Such requests should be sent to

If Material is deleted from the Nialli Workspace Service, that action cannot be undone.

If Nialli deactivates your account pursuant to the Terms of Service, then you may contact Nialli to request deletion of your information and Material. Nialli will evaluate such requests on a case by case basis, taking into account our legal obligations and rights.

Information Access and Disclosure

Nialli is not in the business of selling or renting your information. Generally, Nialli employees do not monitor your information or Materials stored in the Service, but it may be viewed if we believe our Terms of Service have been violated and confirmation is required, if we need to do so to respond to your requests for support, or we otherwise determine that we have an obligation to review it as described in our Terms of Service.

We only access or disclose your information when:

  • We need to create your account
  • We need to service your account
  • We need to communicate with you
  • We need to respond to your service requests
  • We need to remedy a service disruption or fault
  • We believe it is necessary to investigate potential violations of our Terms of Service or to enforce those terms
  • We believe it is necessary to prevent or take action regarding illegal activities or threats against persons, property, or the systems on which we operate the Nialli Workspace Service
  • We determine that the access, preservation, or disclosure of the information is required or permitted by Law to protect the rights, property, or safety of Nialli, the Users of the Nialli Workspace Service or is required to comply with applicable Law
  • We do so in connection with a sale or reorganization of our business

Note that any individual appointed as the administrator of the Nialli Workspace Service for your organization has access to all of the information and Materials associated with the account as do the Users with whom you share Materials.

Other Important Privacy Information

The Nialli Workspace Service is intended for use by organizations. Where access to the Nialli Workspace Service is made available to you through an organization (for example, your employer), that organization appoints the administrator of the Service and that administrator is responsible for the accounts over which the organization has control. If this is the case, please direct your data privacy questions to your administrator, as your use of the Nialli Workspace Service is subject to that organization’s policies. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of an administrator’s organization that may be different than this policy.

You should be aware that administrators are able to

  • Require you to reset your password
  • Change the email address associated with your account
  • Restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to the Nialli Workspace Service
  • Access information in and about your account and modify, delete, retain, or share that information
  • Restrict your ability to edit, restrict, modify, or delete information

Site Development


Your Comments or Concerns

We welcome your feedback. If you have any comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy or would like to contact us for any reason, you may reach us at

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